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Early Voting Nov. 22 For Mayor-President

Political pundits talk about a “turnout election,” meaning an election which is close and where the energy and commitment of one candidate’s supporters is great enough to swing the election his way. Of course, every election is about who goes to the polls, but a “turnout election” places the outcome squarely in the hands of […]

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Broome’s Baton Rouge: Murder Capital of USA

Sharon Broome brags about the job she has done as Mayor-President. In the Mayor’s view, Baton Rouge is doing great, but here is the reality about Sharon Broome’s Baton Rouge: •Murder Capital of America. The 36 murders in the 1st Quarter of 2024 were the highest in Baton Rouge history and put the city  on […]

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Coach Shocks Establishment

By the time of qualifying in July 2024, the Baton Rouge moneyed establishment and the local media decided that former Rep. Ted James was the leading candidate for Mayor-President. The establishment produced $1.1 million for James’ campaign. Even after a strong Republican candidate in the form of Coach Sid Edwards entered the race on the […]

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Mayor-President Broome: Long History of Strained Relations with BR Police Officers

By Woody Jenkins, Editor Central City News Over her nearly eight years as Mayor-President, Sharon Broome has had a strained relationship with Baton Rouge police officers, which has repeatedly surfaced into public view. The police have four major grievances against Broome: •The Mayor-President hasn’t had their back and is always ready to throw them under […]

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Broome to Cut Police Budget $8.7 Million; Coach Promises More Police, Higher Pay

By Woody Jenkins, Editor Central City News If there was one thing Coach Sid Edwards and former Rep. Ted James agreed on in the run up to the Nov. 5 election, it was that the City of Baton Rouge needed more police officers and better pay in order to attract and keep the best possible […]

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Historic Election Nov. 5

Woody Jenkins, Editor Conservative voters turned out in record numbers for early voting in East Baton Rouge Parish and across the state. Two likely beneficiaries are former President Donald Trump, who is seeking to return to office, and Coach Sid Edwards, who is seeking to end 20 years of Democratic rule in the Mayor-President’s office. […]

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Heavy Early Voting Favors Coach Sid

Woody Jenkins, Editor By the close of early voting on Tuesday, Oct. 29, Republican-leaning voting sites in East Baton Rouge Parish had received three times the number of early votes as Democrat-leaning sites. In addition, white voters turned out in record numbers, while black turnout actually decreased. Of votes cast in EBR, 57 percent were […]

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The Campaign That Has the Most Fun Usually Wins the Election: Here’s Why

Woody Jenkins, Editor Scott McKay of offered a theory in his talk on the races for President and Mayor-President at the Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge two weeks ago.   He calls it the Fun Rule.  His theory is simple: Forget the polls, the mailings, the TV spots, the lies, the posturing, […]

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BREC Treasurer Says BREC Is Broken, Must Be Fixed Before Any Tax Renewal

Dewayne Rogers, Treasurer, BREC As a Christian, my faith leads me to believe that “each of us will give an account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) There really is nothing of greater importance to me, as has been the case most of my adult life. While I understand not everyone believes we are accountable […]

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BREC CEO Responds to Criticism

 In response to recent criticism, BREC Supt. Corey Wilson issued following statement: “… it is important to clarify the facts about the delays in our external audits, which have recently been mischaracterized. The delays are the result of several challenges, some within our control and some outside of our control. BREC implemented a new financial […]

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