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Mayor-President Broome: Long History of Strained Relations with BR Police Officers

By Woody Jenkins, Editor Central City News Over her nearly eight years as Mayor-President, Sharon Broome has had a strained relationship with Baton Rouge police officers, which has repeatedly surfaced into public view. The police have four major grievances against Broome: •The Mayor-President hasn’t had their back and is always ready to throw them under […]

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Gov. Jeff Landry Calls Legislative Session To Raise $12+ Billion in New State Taxes

By Michael Lunsford, Citizens for a New Louisiana This is the “tax reform” special session. It includes a second bite at the recent failed attempt to call a constitutional convention. Readers might remember the 2024 regular session when Louisiana’s freshly-minted Congressman-elect Cleo Fields refused to take the matter up in the Senate and Governmental Affairs […]

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Broome to Cut Police Budget $8.7 Million; Coach Promises More Police, Higher Pay

By Woody Jenkins, Editor Central City News If there was one thing Coach Sid Edwards and former Rep. Ted James agreed on in the run up to the Nov. 5 election, it was that the City of Baton Rouge needed more police officers and better pay in order to attract and keep the best possible […]

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The Campaign That Has the Most Fun Usually Wins the Election: Here’s Why

Woody Jenkins, Editor Scott McKay of offered a theory in his talk on the races for President and Mayor-President at the Chamber of Commerce of East Baton Rouge two weeks ago.   He calls it the Fun Rule.  His theory is simple: Forget the polls, the mailings, the TV spots, the lies, the posturing, […]

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Scott McKay: Ted James Can’t Win

Scott McKay, The Hayride I hinted that this was coming in my signing-off-before-the-hurricane-comes post four weeks ago, and I noted the results of the poll in the Baton Rouge mayoral race. The poll in question was a JMC Analytics survey, and it dropped about five weeks ago. The results…  We’re seeing that Ted James isn’t […]

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Broome, James Bitterly Attack Each Other, Coach Sid Takes High Road in EBR Debate

If you ever want to see an example of how not to perform in a debate, watch the video from the Mayor-President debate at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church on Monday, Sept. 23.  Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and former Rep. Ted James spent the entire debate attacking one another. The bitterness that exists between the two […]

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Why I’m Voting ‘No’ on BREC Tax

Rolfe McCollister, Jr., Former Editor of the Business Report On Nov. 5, you will vote on President, Mayor-President and $700 million in property taxes for BREC. There is a 10-year tax and a 20-year tax proposition, and I will vote “No” on both measures.  Why? Because BREC is poorly managing the $100 million it spends […]

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If You’re Happy with How EBR Is Going, You’ll Love Sharon Broome or Ted James

If you like what’s going on in Baton Rouge, you should stick with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome.   Under her administration, our hometown has one of the highest murder rates in the United States. Crime has become an epidemic, made worse by the arrival of gangs in many of our neighborhoods. In some areas, people […]

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EBR’s Movement to Create Independent School Districts: 30 Years in the Making

By Woody Jenkins, Editor, Central City News – Baton Rouge By the early 1990’s, I had represented Baton Rouge as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives for 20 years, most of that time as a member of the House Education Committee.  My colleague, Sen. Mike Cross, had served as mayor of the City […]

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No Conservative Should Support Holding A Constitutional Convention at This Time

NOTE: The current Louisiana Constitution was written by a state constitutional convention, which was called by the Louisiana Legislature in the spring of 1972. The process began years earlier as political leaders, citizens, and the media debated the need for a new constitution. In 1971, both gubernatorial candidates, Edwin Edwards and his opponent J. Bennett […]

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