Vietnam Memorial Wall Coming to Baton Rouge

Life Tabernacle Church, 9323 Hooper Road, Baton Rouge will host The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington March 20 to 23. Tens of thousands of visitors are expected to attend and view the etched names of the 58,281 men and women who lost their lives or never […]

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Coach Sid: First Mayor-President From Central

Former Central High head football Coach Sid Edwards was inaugurated as Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish in ceremonies held at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025. Coach Sid became the 12th Mayor-President of the parish since the office was created in the late 1940’s. He is the first Mayor-President who has been a […]

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Know Mayor Coach Sid Edwards Through People He Has Touched

During Inauguration ceremonies for Coach Sid Edwards as the new Mayor-President, former Rep. Woody Jenkins was asked to introduce Coach Sid.  He did so in an unusual way.  He called upon men who Sid had coached or trained to be coaches and let them tell his story. WOODY JENKINS: A few months ago, Coach Sid […]

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Coach Sid’s Inaugural Address

I am extremely honored and humbled for all the love and support. It would be impossible to adequately thank everyone who has been part of this. Without even attempting to do that, I want to recognize my family because they had to sacrifice the most during the election season.  I love you all so very […]

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Coach Sid Making Key Appointments In Administration

It’s axiomatic that in government personnel is policy.  No matter how good the policies may be, if the people in charge of implementing those policies are incapable, corrupt, or don’t support the policies, they are not likely to be implemented. Coach Sid Edwards, the new Mayor-President, has been deliberate about choosing the right people to […]

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St. George Citizens Rally Against Proposed Salaries for City Officials

More than 100  residents of the new City of St. George packed the Council chamber at City Hall to voice their opposition to proposed salaries for the Mayor, Police Chief, and seven members of the City Council. The overwhelming majority of those in attendance strongly opposed the salary schedule. As introduced, it would have provided […]

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PRO: Why the Proposed City Charter For St. George Is Right Thing to Do

The proposed St. George Home Rule Charter includes several potential benefits emphasizing efficient, localized governance, and strong public engagement.  Here are some of the pros: 1. Balanced Representation • The City Council includes both district-elected and at-large members, ensuring that local neighborhoods have representation while maintaining a citywide perspective in governance. 2. Checks and Balances […]

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CON: The Charter Is Deeply Flawed, Confuses Executive, Legislative Duties

I am the co-incorporator of the City of St. George and Treasurer of the St. George Transition District. I am opposed to the St. George Home Rule Charter (HRC) that will be on the March 29, 2025, ballot. Let me state right at the begin- ning the four major problems with the proposed Charter: 1. […]

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Qualifying for 1st St. George City Elections Will Open Jan. 29-31; Election Set Mar. 29

Qualifying will be held Wednesday, Jan. 29 to Friday, Jan. 31 for candidates in the first municipal elections to be held for the City of St. George Voters in the newly-incorporated city will go to the polls on Saturday, March 29 to elect the Mayor, Police Chief, and seven members of the St. George City […]

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Distinguished Civil Service Director Herb Sumrall Passed Away at Age 94

He had a distinguished career at the highest level of Louisiana state government, serving for years as director of the State Civil Service Commission, a post in some ways more powerful than the governor.  He was known as a man of impeccable character who could not be bought or intimidated. Not only that but a […]

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