Central’s Cade Forbes Is Headed to Times Square
Central’s Cade Forbes has been chosen by the National Down Syndrome Society to be featured on the jumbotron in Times Square on September 7.
The Times Square Video presentation will be shown on the National Down Syndrome Society Facebook Live feed.
Cade was born September 9, 2021 to parents Derek and Casey Forbes, along with big brothers, Bradyn and Cannon, and big sister, Leela.
He was diagnosed with Trisomy 21, or Down Syndrome upon his arrival. Just shy of his 3rd birthday, his picture will be featured in a presentation to celebrate Down Syndrome on the Times Square Jumbotron. Out of 3,000 submissions, only 500 were chosen and he was one of them.
Cade loves music, bubbles, dancing, being read too, and, especially his siblings.
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