7th Grader Abigal Sherlin Writes Open Letter

Abigal Sherlin, a 7th grader at Central Middle School has written an open letter explaining why she wants to go to Central Middle School this fall but only if she can go without a mask.

She said she loves her school and her teachers.  Before masking, they would greet her with a smile.

She said she will not do what she and her family believes is wrong.  She says the school taught her to “Stand up for what is right, even if you have to stand alone.”  Now what is happening is wrong.

Her letter refers to Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.  Because she stood strong, millions of people have a better life. She says that sometimes the law is wrong. She said someday her grandchildren may look back the same way that people look at the civil rights era.

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