Central Voters Continue to Vote Conservative Rispone Tops Edwards 72%-28%


Republican gubernatorial candidate Eddie Rispone carried most of Louisiana in the Nov. 16 election, but incumbent Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards carried Orleans Parish by 100,000 votes and East Baton Rouge Parish by 50,000, thereby sealing a winning statewide margin of 40,000 votes.

Despite a big victory in East Baton Rouge Parish, Gov. Edwards lost two important conservative areas of the parish — the City of Central and the newly incorporated City of St. George.

Rispone carried Central with 72 percent of the votes cast on election day. The total vote in Central cannot be determined since votes cast during early voting are lumped together and cannot be broken out by precinct.

Republican Metro Councilman Trae Welch carried Central with 82 percent of the votes cast for District Judge  but lost the rest of the judicial district to the winner, Ron Johnson.

Republican Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin was reelected statewide and received 83 percent of the vote in Central. Ardoin won statewide with 59 percent of the vote while losing East Baton Rouge Parish 55 percent to 45 percent.

Overall, an historic turnout by African American voters in the runoff propelled Gov. Edwards to a reelection victory.

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