Pope Francis: A Truly Extraordinary Choice

Pope Francis: A Truly Extraordinary Choice

by Woody Jenkins, Editor

CENTRAL — News that the world has a new pope was greeted with enthusiasm by Catholics around the world and certainly in Central Wednesday evening.
Pope Francis is an extraordinary choice, and expectations are high that this pope will indeed serve the Catholic Church and indeed the world in a remarkable way.
His election by a two-thirds’ vote came after only five ballots.  This was in itself a statement that this man is viewed with enormous respect by his fellow cardinals.
He is the first Jesuit to be elected pope and the first pope to be chosen from the New World.
Reputed to be a man of great humility, he lives a life of poverty in a small apartment in Buenos Aires and rides the bus to work.  He shuns the elaborate residence where he is entitled to live.
The new pope is believed to be a man who loves the poor and who speaks out strongly for their interests.
He is also a pastor who has stood without wavering for traditional values, such as the right to life and marriage between one man and one woman.
His selection of the name “Francis” has sent a message that he is a man of peace who cares for all human beings and for all of God’s creations.
He is from Argentina, but his heritage is Italian, which gives him a special position in Church, which has a long history of Italian popes.  Yet, he is not tied to the administrative hierarchy of the Church and he has the freedom to make changes if necessary.
Our bishop of Baton Rouge, Robert Muench, held a news conference late Wednesday.
He said the selection of Pope Francis is “a time for rejoicing” for the church and the world.
“He is a humble man and a great inspiration.  He is faithful to Christ and the Church.  He is uniquely qualified to be pope.”
“The Diocese of Baton Rouge and I offer our hearty congratulations and pledge of support.”
“For us, it was an emotional moment, and many of us gathered at the Catholic Life Center.  We watched with awe and excitement.”
“The Jesuits have offered us a great deal of wisdom.”
“It is a wonderful selection for the world and a special blessing for the Spanish-speaking world.”
“This is a wonderful opportunity for us to recognize the process by which human beings can be guided by the hand of God.  The Apostles went out in fidelity to Jesus and his teachings and followed a life dramatically different from the world.  It takes faith, conviction, and follow through.  I join with you and others in praying for him.”
Pope Francis did something remarkable in his first speech to the world.  He invited all those listening to do just that — pray for him.  What a wonderful thing that was and how appropriate!
The pope is the leader of the world’s Catholics but he is also, more than any other person, the foremost individual who symbolizes Christianity to the non-Christian world.
It seems clear this man is someone very special — someone who can make a real difference in a very positive way for the entire world.
Let us all, regardless of our faith, accept his invitaton and join together in praying for the new pope — for his health, his long life, and his wisdom.
Hopefully, he will indeed be a force for peace, understanding, and brotherhood in a very troubled world — a world where we need great role models, great men of peace, great leaders who are great because they are truly humble and follow the example set by Jesus.

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