Welborn, Kennard, Greco: Lifetime Service Awards

Welborn, Kennard, Greco: Lifetime Service Awards

CENTRAL — Three public officials were honored for their lifetimes of service to the Central community during the Central Business Awards ceremonies at Elegant Memories.

The Central Lifetime Service Awards were presented to

• Former State Rep. Donald Ray Kennard, who represented Central in the Louisiana House of Representatives for 32 years.

• Former Metro Councilman and City-Parish Mayor Pro-Tem Joe Greco, who represented Central for 16 years.

• East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court and former Metro Councilman Doug Welborn, who has represented Central for 30 years.

In presenting the award to Kennard, State Rep. Clif Richardson said, “He’s like a brother to me, a man who has given so much to our state and to our community.  Words cannot express the impact of this man.”  Of Greco, Metro Councilman Scott Wilson said, “A success in business and as a public servant.  Kind, compassion, and honest.  He put duty above personal gain.”  Of Welborn, school board member Sharon Browning said, “I’ve known this young man since he was in high school.  He bleeds maroon.  No one is more committed to Central.  We always count on him!”  Welborn drew laughter and applause at the end of the program when he got up and said, “I’m working on my popularity, and I’ve learned the less you talk, the more people like you!  Thank you and good night!”

Copyright 2011 Central City News, P. O. Box 1, Central, LA 70739 Email: centralcitynews@hotmail.com Phone: (225) 261-5055

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