Perry Whitney Seeks Council District 3 Seat

 My name is Perry Whitney and I’m running for City Council District 3. I am a retired chief petty officer, U.S. NAVY (1978 to 1998).  A combat veteran, who served during Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the city of Al Jubail, along with numerous other Military operations.  

I held a U.S. Coast Guard master license and operated both inshore and offshore vessels as the captain of various supply and tow boats.  I also recently retired from the Louisiana National Guard Youth Challenge Program in Carville, La. as the logistics supervisor and director of the Job Challenge Program.  I have been an amateur radio operator (N5USN) since 1995.   

Why do I want to be your voice for District 3? As a resident of Central for over 20 years, I have made it a point to attend and voice my opinion at as many council meetings as possible. Why? Because the council is our voice making  decisions for our city. 

I have spoken so often because I care about our city and where we are headed. I feel it’s important for the council to work together and communicate effectively.  

If elected as your councilman, honesty and truth will always prevail.  I will be your voice for District 3. 

As a retired chief petty officer, captain of vessels, logistics supervisor and director of the Job Challenge Program, I have the unique skill set in planning, budgeting, communications, and team building to best represent your voice.

I plan on working to move our city forward in a direction that protects the people of Central and preserves our way of life.  I support smart growth and revitalization.

As a flood survivor, drainage is of utmost importance. Both current and future projects must be planned so as to have minimal impact on surrounding properties.

The maintenance of our city roads will always be an important issue. I plan to work closely with city, parish, and state entities, ensuring the proper maintenance of District 3 roads. I will hold developers to a higher standard with our ordinances to ensure lessening degradation of our roads and liability to our city.

Our city lacks a litter abatement program.  I plan to engage with businesses and citizens to implement programs to keep Central clean.

Our city, your voice, our future! Vote Tuesday, November 8!

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