115 Townhouses Proposed for Sullivan at Wax

CENTRAL — The Central City Council will meet tonight on whether to approve a 115-unit townhouse development by Jeff Couvillion at the intersection of Wax and Sullivan roads.  The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at Kristenwood.

The units would average 1,240 square feet and be gated.

The Council previously sent the proposal back to the Planning & Zoning Commission because of problems involving drainage and a retention pond.  Those problems appear to have been resolved, but several other questions remain about the project, including:

High Density Development in Medium Density Area. The development site, which is located behind Central Square, is currently zoned Rural and is set aside for “Medium Density” development under Central’s Master Plan.  Medium Density allows only four residential units per acre.  However, the 115 townhouses would be built in an area of less than eight acres.

Rentability. One Councilmen said he doesn’t want the project to be a backdoor way to bring more apartments to Central.  He is concerned that the units could be rented out by the owners, as is done in Central Woods.

Danger of Pedestrian Fatalities. The proposal before the Council provides no plan or funding for  pedestrian crossing of Sullivan Road to Wal-Mart.  Currently, residents of Central Woods dodge traffic while walking across Wax Road to Wal-Mart without the benefit of sidewalks or a crossing.  The intersection at Sullivan and Wax is wider and more dangerous.


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