Claud Derbes Has Quintuple Bypass Surgery

By Woody Jenkins.

CENTRAL — Last week, Central Drug Store was named Central’s Business of the Year for the 2nd straight year.  Central Drug Store owner and pharmacist Claud Derbes was on hand at the award ceremonies to accept the award and say a few words.  He appeared fit and in good health.

But, shortly thereafter, a visit to his physician revealed the need for immediate open heart surgery to repair some blocked arteries.

On Friday, “Mr. Claud,” as he is affectionately known in Central, was fretting about his surgery, which was scheduled for Monday.  “I’ve never really been in the hospital or had a serious problem.  Not even a broken toe!” he said.  Later that day, he pulled a friend aside to say, “I just want to thank you for all you’ve done for me.”  But the friend was having none of it.  “Claud, you’ll be fine.  These surgeries are so common now, and they have a great success rate.  You’ve just got to bear up to the ordeal of it.”

On Monday, Mr. Claud went into surgery and had quintuple bypass surgery.

Central Drug Store was deluged with calls and visits from friends and customers. “How’s Mr. Claud?  How’s Mr. Claud?” everyone asked.

The answer was, “He’s doing fine!  He’s in ICU.”

By Tuesday, the word at the drug store was, “Mr. Claud has been moved to a private room.  He’s doing well.”

On Wednesday, everyone was told, “He’s looking good so far.    The operation was a success.  They think he’ll be home by the weekend.  Don’t try to call him or anything. Just let him rest for now.”  If things go as expected, Mr. Claud could be back to normal, maybe better in six to eight weeks.

— Woody Jenkins, Editor


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