Archive | April, 2014
Shelton in Landslide

Shelton in Landslide

Nearly 40 percent of Central’s voters went to the polls April 5 and gave a re- sounding, landslide victory to local realtor Jr. Shelton, who was elected Mayor. The voters swept intooffice five of his political allies — new Police Chief James Salsbury, and Council members-elect Dr. Kim Fralick, Shane Evans, and John Vance, and incumbent Council member Wayne Messina. Shelton received […]

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Read Central City News for April 17, 2014

Read Central City News for April 17, 2014

READ CENTRAL CITY NEWS FOR APRIL 17, 2014. Click here: TOP STORIES IN CENTRAL CITY NEWS: • Jr. Shelton Elected Mayor in Landslide • Carried 21 of 22 Precincts, Tied in one other • Complete Precinct by Precinct Election Returns • New Mayor Goes to Work, Sets Hectic Pace • Transition Team Sets Meetings, Town […]

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Central Community Directory Is Now on Newstands

Central Community Directory Is Now on Newstands

2014 CENTRAL COMMUNITY DIRECTORY & YELLOW PAGES is now on newsstands and in stores at more than 250 locations in Central.  It is FREE! To read it on-line, click here: The directory is completely searchable on-line.  Just press Control + f and enter the name you want. The directory, which is published by the […]

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Read Central City News for April 3, 2014

Read Central City News for April 3, 2014

READ CENTRAL CITY NEWS FOR APRIL 3, 2014. TOP STORIES IN CENTRAL CITY NEWS: Click here: • Central City Election This Saturday, April 5 • Sample Ballot • Jr. Shelton Says He’ll Seek Reconciliation, Renewal for City • Washington Back on Campaign Trail, Vance Surging • May 3 Runoff for City Council Possible • […]

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Nathan Reynerson Gets a Little Taste of Real Southern [African] Hospitality

Nathan Reynerson Gets a Little Taste of Real Southern [African] Hospitality

Growing up in South Louisiana comes with certain expectations when you travel to other parts of the world. We strive to treat our guests with “Southern hospitality,” making sure they eat good food, experience the local culture, and have a good time doing it. Having been to 15 different countries all over the world, I […]

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After Knocking on 4,800 Doors, Dr. Kim Has Done Her Homework for Saturday

After Knocking on 4,800 Doors, Dr. Kim Has Done Her Homework for Saturday

If personal contact and door-to-door campaigning are keys to success in local politics, Dr. Kim Fralick should be a shoo-in to be elected to one of five seats on the Central City Council this Saturday. The petite Central veterinarian says she has knocked on more than 4,800 doors, leaving most of her competitors far behind […]

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Military Record, Solid Family Life Plus Hard Work Make John Vance A Council Favorite

Military Record, Solid Family Life Plus Hard Work Make John Vance A Council Favorite

In a few short months, Council candidate John Vance has gone from being virtually unknown to a serious contender for one of five seats on the Central City Council in this Saturday’s municipal election. With an outstanding military career as an Army helicopter pilot and plant manager for a major production facility, Vance moved to […]

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Candidates Issue Statements on Election

Candidates Issue Statements on Election

SHANE EVANS Candidate for City Council Dear Citizens of the City of Central, As I was encouraged by friends and family so many months ago to embark on this new and daunting journey into public service through politics, I promised myself, my family and you that I would remain independent. I promised a positive campaign […]

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Greenwell Springs Baptist Questions Candidates

Greenwell Springs Baptist Church has polled candidates for Mayor, Police Chief, and City Council on key issues facing Central and released the results. One candidate, Dr. Kim Fralick, said she inadvertently failed to answer the question on gun control and licensing.  She said she is strongly opposed to additional gun control. Another candidate, Mayor Pro […]

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Constructive Campaigning

Constructive Campaigning

City Councilman Wayne Messina has been putting up unusual but very constructive signs during his campaign for reelection.  The signs remind motorists to drive safely.  They say, “Drive Like Your Kids Live Here.  Compliments of Wayne Messina.” Central has a large number of traffic fatalities, especially involving young people.

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