Broome, James Bitterly Attack Each Other, Coach Sid Takes High Road in EBR Debate

If you ever want to see an example of how not to perform in a debate, watch the video from the Mayor-President debate at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church on Monday, Sept. 23.  Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and former Rep. Ted James spent the entire debate attacking one another. The bitterness that exists between the two […]

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Why I’m Voting ‘No’ on BREC Tax

Rolfe McCollister, Jr., Former Editor of the Business Report On Nov. 5, you will vote on President, Mayor-President and $700 million in property taxes for BREC. There is a 10-year tax and a 20-year tax proposition, and I will vote “No” on both measures.  Why? Because BREC is poorly managing the $100 million it spends […]

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Tony Perkins Supporting Coach Sid

Two of the most admired people in Central had never actually met until a few weeks ago. Former Rep. Tony Perkins represented Central in the Louisiana Legislature for eight years and has been involved in Central for the past 30+ years.  But along the way, he had never met Coach Sid Edwards, who served as […]

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Fundraiser for Coach Sid Is Set At Bennett Barn Sunday, Oct. 6

Voters in Central are invited to a fundraising event for Coach Sid Edwards, who is the Republican-endorsed candidate for   Mayor-President.  The event will be held at Bennett Barn, 15194 Joor Rd. in Central 3-5 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 6. It is not necessary to purchase tickets in advance. Anyone interested can just show up. […]

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Cooler Weather, Back to School, Football Reigns

Fall is in the air, and everyone is back to school in Central.  Enrollment in the Central Community School System has hit 4,560 so far, and Central High School has 1,546 students for the fall semester. Football began with the jamboree last Friday night with Central High at East Ascension. Things actually seem quite normal, […]

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Sharon Broome, Ted James Unite in Support Of Kamala Harris, Opposition to St. George

The two Democratic candidates for Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish have at least two things in common — both are strong supporters of Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris and both are strong opponents of the City of St. George.  Former Rep. Ted James served as State Chairman for Kamala Harris, while Mayor-President Sharon Broome […]

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City of Central: Best Choice for Families

The national surveys of “Best Places to Live” have not yet recognized the City of Central, but they should.  If the best measure of a place to live is safe neighborhoods, great public schools, and warm, friendly people, then Central should be ranked as one of the best places to live in the state and […]

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Candidates in November 5 Primary Election

The Republican Party has endorsed six candidates in contested races for six important offices on the Nov. 5 election ballot.  The 17-member East Baton Rouge Republican Parish Executive Committee is entrusted with making decisions for party members. The committee is chosen by Republican voters at the time of the Presidential Primary every four years. Five […]

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Brandon Noel Elected to Lead Council Until January 2025

The Metro Council has elected Brandon Noel as the new Mayor Pro-Tem for the City-Parish. He will serve until January when the new Council is sworn.  Noel is also a member of the Republican Parish Executive Committee representing the Zachary and Central areas. Noel, a conservative, replaced Lamont Cole as Mayor Pro-Tem. A banker, Noel […]

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If You’re Happy with How EBR Is Going, You’ll Love Sharon Broome or Ted James

If you like what’s going on in Baton Rouge, you should stick with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome.   Under her administration, our hometown has one of the highest murder rates in the United States. Crime has become an epidemic, made worse by the arrival of gangs in many of our neighborhoods. In some areas, people […]

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