Clancy DuBos Of WWL-TV On Tax Plan

There’s a lot to like about Gov. Jindal’s tax plan. After all, nobody likes paying income taxes.
But, because the governor wants his plan to be revenue neutral, he’s proposing major increases in the state sales tax — raising the rate as well as the application. Under Jindal’s plan, hundreds of services and transactions — from haircuts to CPA services — would suddenly be taxed.
In fact, the governor’s point man on taxes, Tim Barfield, told lawmakers Monday that businesses would actually pay more under the Jindal plan. Here’s what Barfield said: “It’s very clear that business will be taking more of this burden.”
That’s astounding news — because the governor touts his plan as making Louisiana more attractive to business. I’m not sure how raising business taxes makes us more attractive to business, but then again, a lot of things about this plan don’t quite add up.
Speaking of businesses, the silence of the business community also doesn’t add up. Where are the Business Councils, the Chambers, GNO Inc., LABI and others? Why aren’t they speaking up? Do they want to pay more taxes?
Everyone has been waiting for more details from the governor. He’s still keeping much of his plan under wraps — but what he has revealed doesn’t look very good for business.

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