No Layoffs, Major Cuts Set for Central Schools

By Woody Jenkins.

CENTRAL — The Advocate for Wednesday, March 23, 2011, recounted the fiscal crisis which parish school systems around the state are facing.  For example, the East Baton Rouge Parish School System has a $39 million deficit and the probability of layoffs of some of the system’s 6,500 employees.  Likewise, Livingston Parish schools have declared a financial crisis for this school year.

But, so far, the Central Community School System has no plans for layoffs or major cutbacks, according to schools Supt. Mike Faulk.

Even with explosive enrollment growth over the past four years and the prospect of more growth, Central’s schools are on a solid financial foundation.  Faulk’s hope is that the state’s financial crisis does not eventually ripple through to Central.

So far, it hasn’t.

Central’s sales and property tax collections are stable.  Nevertheless, Supt. Faulk has no plan to add more personnel to the school system this coming year, even with the enrollment increases that he projects.

However, there is danger ahead in the form of two additional financial burdens next year — salary increases under the existing salary schedule and increased retirement contributions.

Because of the existing teacher salary schedule, teachers in Central will get pay raises amounting to $390,000 next year.  This will happen automatically.  In addition, the state is mandating that school systems increase their payments to the teachers retirement program from 20.2 percent of salaries to 23.7 percent next year.  This will increase Central’s obligation by $640,000 next year.

These two items alone will cost Central taxpayers $1,130,000 next year that is not in the current budget.

Fortunately, Supt. Faulk and the school board have planned for such eventualities and have the resources set aside.  The superintendent said the financial condition of the state — and the potential pressure the state will put on local school systems — has him always looking for ways to trim costs in the budget.  But, for now at least, the Central Community School System will not face the layoffs or major cutbacks that many other Louisiana school systems are about to endure.

Once again, fiscal responsibility is paying off for Central.


House Reapportionment. State Reps. Bodi White and Clif Richardson report that reapportionment of the Louisiana House of Representatives is likely to have little impact on their respective legislative districts.  White’s district is likely to lose a few precincts in Livingston Parish, while Richardson’s district is likely to lose two precincts west of the Comite River and pick up the Episcopal precinct in southeast Baton Rouge.


Economic Development Consultant. The City Council voted 3-2 to allow Mayor Mac Watts to hire an economic development consultant.  Watts said he plans to rehire Steve Vassallo of Madison, Miss.  Jr. Shelton urged the Council to allow other bidders to compete for the contract and allow a Request for Proposals to go out.  But the Council allowed the Mayor to make the selection without further review.  Voting FOR were Louis DeJohn, Aaron Moak, and Ralph Washington.  Voting AGAINST were Tony LoBue and Wayne Messina.


Cooking for Central is poised for another great event, this year at St. Alphonsus.  Here’s the schedule:

Friday, April 8

Crawfish Boil and Band

3:30 p.m. Parking lots open

5 p.m. Doors open, Crawfish boil

6:45 p.m. Progressive Auction

7 to 9 p.m. Band and Dance

with Carbon Copy

Saturday, April 9

Cook Off

8 a.m. Parking lots open

9 a.m. Doors open

9 to 10:45 Entertainment

10:45 to 11 Opening Ceremony

11 a.m. Dinner serving begins

11 to 12 Entertainment

12 to 12:30 Progressive Auction

12:30 to 1 Announce Cook Off Winners

1 to 1:15 Raffle drawing for $10,000

1:15 to 2 Entertainment

2 to 3:30 Live Auction

3:30 p.m. Event Closes


Thinking of selling gold? There are many ripoffs out there.  Tom Belcher of Central (936-7376) will appraise Central residents’ gold free of charge.


Next Central City News will be published April 14 and 28.



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