‘The Coming Boom’ Depends on Nov. 6

‘The Coming Boom’ Depends on Nov. 6

While Nation Goes To Polls, Louisiana Will Hold Its Breath

by Woody Jenkins, Editor

BATON ROUGE — The headline on Page 1 describes the likelihood of an economic boom coming to South Louisiana.  But there is a problem.  The announcement of this massive GTL plant, which would employ 8,000 to 12,000 people, represent an investment of $5 to $10 billion, and alter the relationship between the United States and the Middle East probably won’t come until after Nov. 6.

Like countless other major commercial, manufacturing, and industrial projects in this country, it is dependent on what happens in the election for President of the United States.

People who control the capital are waiting to see what direction this country of ours is headed.  They are wondering if this is still a safe place to invest.

With a radical, anti-business President in the White House, our economy is on pause.

In Louisiana, the Presidential election should be a landslide for Gov. Mitt Romney.  But some of the “swing” states are up in the air.  So we in Louisiana have to wait with baited breath to see what happens in the election.

We know that Obama is hostile to energy development — unless it involves idiotic “green” technology that puts billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of his political supporters.

He’s against oil, against natural gas, against coal, and against nuclear.  He’s done everything he can to stop offshore drilling and drilling in the Arctic.  As a result, our energy production on federal lands is down.

But here in Louisiana, we have a reservior of natural gas that can supply America’s energy needs for generations to come.

We just have to have a government in Washington that allows us to fully develop it.

Now, with the advent of new technology that allows natural gas to be converted to clean-burning synthetic gasoline, Louisiana could have the opportunity to control its own destiny.

Low prices of natural gas mean that it is economical to produce synthetic gasoline and completely end our reliance on foreign imported oil.  The consequences of this change in the dynamics of energy production are difficult to fully comprehend.

But it means that we will no longer have to send billions of our dollars to foreign dictators who use the money to enslave their people and build weapons that threaten us.  It means that the flow of dollars out of this country, which is so damaging to our economy, can end.

It could mean a new wave of prosperity for Louisiana and for our nation which would allow us to build a stronger, more secure life for our children and grandchildren.

What happens Nov. 6 is all-important to Louisiana, America, and each one of us.



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