Santorum Is Best Choice in March 24 Primary

Santorum Is Best Choice in March 24 Primary

Central City News Endorsement

Hang onto your hat!

In anticipation of Louisiana’s March 24 Presidential Primary, you are about to be deluged with $3 to $5 million in hateful, negative advertising coming from Gov. Mitt Romney and his SuperPac.

Gov. Romney has in his gunsights former Sen. Rick Santorum, whom he will label “fiscally irresponsible” and not a “true conservative.” Nothing could be further from the truth!

The voting record of Rick Santorum is one of the finest by any member of Congress in the past generation.  He has been a stalwart conservative leader on issue after issue.  Before you fall for Gov. Romney’s attacks, please consider the source.

Gov. Romney has never been known as a conservative.

It was Gov. Romney who pushed through Romneycare, the mandatory health care legislation upon which Obamacare was based.

It was Gov. Romney who came out and openly supported the Wall Street Bailouts.

It was Gov. Romney who ran for Governor on a pro-abortion platform, saying, “I support Roe vs. Wade.”

It was Gov. Romney who said he believes in man-made global warming.

It was Gov. Romney who said, while running against Sen. Ted Kennedy for the U. S. Senate that “I am more liberal than Kennedy.”

In his attack ads against Sen. Santorum, Gov. Romney will cherry pick isolated votes from Santorum’s record over a 16-year period.

Today, Gov. Romney is running as a conservative, and that’s a good thing.  We hope he has changed his beliefs. But we strongly disagree with his high-handed attacks against a proven conservative with a splendid conservative record.  Santorum is an honorable man with high morals and an unblemished character.

Gov. Romney’s attacks are unfair and down-right wrong.

The main thing going for Gov. Romney is the mantra — repeated over and over again — that he is the strongest candidate to oppose Obama this November.

Quite frankly, that is ridiculous!

In this primary season, Gov. Romney has been able to use his enormous personal wealth and the wealth of his friends who donate to his SuperPac to throw mud at his opponents — millions of dollars in mud in each separate state.  As each challenger has arisen, Romney has attacked and destroyed him with vicious, negative campaigns.

But here’s the problem: In the fall, Obama will have over $1 billion to spend — probably four times what Romney will have.  If Romney is the nominee, Obama will spend most of that $1 billion attacking Romney.

And Gov. Romney will be destroyed.  He won’t be a strong nominee but a weak one.  Why?  First, Romney won’t have the best issues a Republican can run on this year.

Gov. Romney won’t be able to run against Obamacare, because Romney authored Romneycare, upon which Obamacare was modeled.

Gov. Romney won’t be able to run against Wall Street Bailouts, because he supported them.

And he won’t be able to run on jobs, because Massachusetts was among the worst states in America in job creation when he was governor.

Obama will take every liberal statement Romney has ever made and run it in 30-second spots.

By the time Obama is through, conservatives will be so disillusioned with Romney that some will stay home.  They will say, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference!”

And that’s all Obama needs to get reelected.  Just a few staying home.

From the standpoint of Central, Rick Santorum is just like us — a blue collar conservative Christian who thinks right on social and economic issues.

He’s a warrior, a visionary, a principled conservative, young and attractive, and a great debater.  He’ll be a great President.

And he can win!

He can win for two reasons:

First, he will motivate Republican voters to enthusiastically work for his election.

Second, he will bring blue-collar Democrats into the Republican fold  — the people Romney can’t bring — who are essential to victory.

Don’t be deceived by Romney’s mailouts and 30-second attacks, Satorum is our best candidate to beat Obama this fall.


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