Walker Brings Campaign for Mayor-President to City of Central

Walker Brings Campaign for Mayor-President to City of Central

CENTRAL — Last Thursday, Mike Walker announced his candidacy for Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish in the Nov. 6 election and immediately came to Central to meet with local elected officials and business leaders.

Walker currently serves on the Metro Council and as Mayor Pro-Tem.  A former ally of Mayor-President Kip Holden, he has been at odds with Holden for the past two years.  Walker, a Republican, could be a leading challenger to Holden, a Democrat, this fall.

In an informal meeting at the office of Gil Matherne on Joor Road, Walker spoke and answered questions from Central officials and business leaders.

Walker said he expects the big issues in the election to be crime, education, and transportation.

Here are highlights of his comments:

• Crime is out of control in East Baton Rouge Parish.  This is epitomized by mass murderer Derrick Todd Lee, whom he said was arrested 20 times and repeatedly released before he began his killing spree.

• He favors establishing a misdemeanor jail to insure compliance with the law and get criminals off the streets.  He said the cost of such a jail can be met in part by fines and forfeitures.

• We should put more police officers on the street.  We have the same number of officers as 30 years ago with a much larger population.  “We haggle over things like police cameras, and the police are not even for that.  We should focus on more police on the streets.  The strike force on the streets should be expanded.”

• The City-Parish government should be the friend of small business rather than putting so many obstacles in the way of small business.  “For example, today it takes two to three months to get the permits to build a house.  We’re not partners with business — we’re a hindrance!”

• He opposes the proposed tax to fund the local bus company, the Capital Area Transportation System (CATS).  “Where’s the business plan for CATS?” he asked.  “The CATS tax is in a gerrymandered district designed to insure passage.  Unfortunately, it’s not about transportation,” he said.

• On the other hand, transportation is a major problem, and the Mayor-President should promote real solutions,” he said.  When asked what is his plan, Walker said, “Let’s go back and rework the Green Light Plan.”  The Green Light Plan was a bond issue passed by voters in 2005 to make major capital improvements in roads and bridges.  It includes the Central Thruway.

• Walker said he favors the Hooper Road bridge and has reservations about the proposed Baton Rouge Loop.  He emphasized he will not favor building a loop through Central if people here oppose it.

• Walker said the parish government can learn a lot from Central’s efforts at privatization.  He criticized, for example, the parish government operating parking garages in the downtown area.  “The Baton Rouge Airport has privatized parking.  Why can’t we?” he asked.

• The parish needs a Mayor-President with a good attitude who is willing to sit down and talk to people.  “It’s not that hard.  Just sit down and talk!” he said.

• “As Mayor-President, I want to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am.  I believe in hiring good people and then turning them loose to do the job.”

• A lot of City-Parish spending can be cut, some in big chunks and others in small bits.  He commended Councilman Bones Addison for finding several hundred thousand dollars.

• East Baton Rouge has a powerful Mayor-President, and a new Mayor-President will have the power to curtail the size of government.

Walker said he will turn around the direction of East Baton Rouge Parish, and he asked the people of Central to join with him in this important election.

For more, go to www.mikewalker.net or Mike Walker on Facebook.



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