School Board President on Impact of School System

School Board President on Impact of School System

Central School Board • President Jim Gardner

The Central Community School System is one of the largest “businesses” in the City of Central with 410 employees, providing a $17.5 million annual payroll.  We have five facilities and 4,000 students.  By the next school year, this system will have a new School Complex worth $30 million.  Our total investment in facilities will be $100 million.  Many people feel the Central Community Schools is the city’s strongest asset.  It is the reason we exist as a city.  Knowledgeable leaders at every level of economic growth cite the local school system as the most important and most vital condition to a viable business climate.  The Central Community School System is currently developing a strategic plan which will set our path for the next five years.  Parents, students, citizens, business owners, community leaders, and educators are participating in its formulation.  The strategic plans will be presented for the board’s approval next month.

Central is a strong, growing city that deserves an excellent school system.  The board works diligently to spend taxpayer monies wisely and provide policies which enhance the learning environment of our students.



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