Statements by Candidates for Mayor and Council

Statements by Candidates for Mayor and Council during March 2010 Municipal Elections in City of Central

I strongly oppose

the Loop.

— Mayor Mac Watts

I haven’t seen a route yet that is acceptable to me.

— Louis DeJohn

I oppose the Loop.

— Tony LoBue

I’m opposed to the Loop, but if it happens, we should control

every aspect of it.

— Aaron Moak

I strongly oppose the Loop.  No Loop!

— Wayne Messina

Against further

funding of Loop.

— Ralph Washington

Statements by Mayor and Council on Resolution Officially Expressing the Opposition of the City of Central to the Proposed Baton Rouge Loop, City Council Meeting on Nov. 22, 2011

I strongly oppose the Loop, but this resolution could cause some problems.

— Mayor Mac Watts

What study says the Loop is disfavored by Central?  My position is not in support of the Loop but in having a voice in deciding it.  This is a dangerous resolution.

— Louis DeJohn

I oppose the Loop.

— Tony LoBue

This is blanket against the Loop.  It’s detrimental to our involvement.

— Aaron Moak

Central is against the Loop.  It would cut Central in half, and it won’t solve any traffic problem.  We can’t just sit back and wait.  We need to let the powers that be know that we are opposed to the Loop.

— Wayne Messina

I don’t see any legislators here.  They should be here.

— Ralph Washington



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