2011 Central Business of the Year

2011 Central Business of the Year

By Woody Jenkins

CENTRAL — Stepping into Central Drug Store is like stepping back in time, and yet, in some ways, it’s way ahead of its time.

It’s reminiscent of an old-time drug store where everyone knows your name, where you’re somebody special, and where your business is important.  The ladies behind the counter will greet you with a friendly smile and ask about your kids or share the latest news with you — far ahead of the Central City News!

You get the feeling they are genuinely happy to be working there and happy to be helping you!

Everything is handy.  You don’t get lost in the store.  You’ll find what you’re looking for right away, or somebody will find it for you.  If you need an over-the-counter product they don’t have, they’ll order it, and it will probably be in tomorrow.  The owner, Claud Derbes (“Mr. Claud”), or maybe Mr. Mike Anding, RPh, might come out from behind the counter to put his hand on your shoulder and find out how you’re really doing.

If you ask for some advice, they won’t mind telling you — straight and to the point.  Quick, reliable, and absolutely free!

In all those ways, Central Drug Store is in the mold of the great hometown pharmacies that used to be so common in America and which are now so very rare.

But there is another side of Central Drug Store which is way ahead of its time and makes it a role model for how other local businesses can not only compete but be a stunning success.  Mr. Claud understands that the personal touch is essential for a local business — but that it is not enough by itself to beat the big chains and megastores.  Central Drug Store surges ahead for three reasons:

Lower Prices. You go into Central Drug Store thinking you’ll get better service but that you’ll have to pay a higher price.  Instead, you learn that Central Drug Store has lower prices on just about everything, including over-the-counter products.  As one customer said, “It’s shocking how competitive they are!”

Very Fast Service. Central Drug Store is well staffed with real people.  You don’t have to call ahead and talk to a computer, which tells you to come in tomorrow.  You can call ahead and talk to a real person, or you can just show up without calling.  The lady will say, “Would you like that prescription now?”  You just say, “Well, yes, I would!”  And, in short order, the prescription is ready.  It’s amazing, but they don’t seem to have anything else to do except wait on you!

High Tech/High Touch. At Central Drug Store, everything is high tech.  It’s all in their computers.  When you walk in, they pretty well know who you are, why you’re there, and what you need.

They keep life simple, relationships nourished, and prices low.

In Central, the chains and megastores really can’t compete with Central Drug Store, which has 8,000 active customers in a community of 26,000 people.  And that’s why it is hands-down, no-contest, the judges’ unanimous pick for  Central’s Business of the Year!

By Woody Jenkins, Editor, Central City News

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