An Eerie First Look Inside Clinic Where 40,000 Babies Died, Women Suffered
By Woody Jenkins, Editor
When Richard Mahoney called and asked if the Central City News would like to be the first news outlet to look inside Delta Women’s Clinic at 756 Colonial Drive in Baton Rouge, I said yes, of course. Some of his supporters in the pro-life movement had just acquired the building from a front person for the real owner, Leroy T. Brinkley, the non-physician who operated abortion clinics here for more than 40 years.
I don’t know what I expected. A broom-clean building, perhaps? To say the least, it was nothing like I expected!
Outside, it was 100 degrees. Inside it would be cool and comfortable, I was certain. We could sit awhile and discuss the horrors that had occurred here.
Instead, when Richard opened the door, we were hit with a blast from an oven! It had to be at least 115 degrees in there. There was no power in the building because DHH hadn’t come to inspect despite several calls. How ironic!
It was very dark inside, but in a few rooms, sunlight burst in. The building was quiet and eerie. Were any of the 40,000 souls killed here still lingering? Despite the oppressive heat, a chill went down my back.
Having some idea of what happened in this building was overwhelming. Hank Henagan, my friend from Istrouma High School and a pastor at Bethany Church, had joined us. Hank began to sob at the murder of the innocents and the waste of precious human lives.
Richard Mahoney had stood in front of abortion clinics almost every day for nearly 40 years, praying for the women and the babies. I asked him what it was like after protesting all these years to own the clinic where these things happened.
His answer surprised me. “I was never protesting!” he said. “I’ve been at the foot of the cross with our Lord, Jesus Christ. I didn’t want our Lord to die alone. So I prayed in front of the death camps. Just as his faithful Mother was at the foot of the cross. Jesus said what you do to the least of the brethren, you do to me. So the murder of every baby was done to Him, and I didn’t want Him to be alone.”
When we found a place in the clinic with a little light, Richard showed needles and controlled drugs which had been left at the clinic unattended. Leaving the drugs
there was illegal and a hazard, he said.
Richard Mahoney outlined his vision for the future of the clinic. He plans to establish a Christian medical clinic for women and children. It will be a clinic for physicians who understand the healing power of Jesus Christ.
We ended the interview, looked around a little in the dark but couldn’t see much.
I produced a video about the visit and posted it on Central City News on Facebook and YouTube. It was named, “Inside Delta Women’s Clinic — One Year after the Dobbs Decision.” Many people watched and were deeply moved.
Two days later, I got a call from Richard. “Okay,” he said, “I liked what you did. Now do you want to see the rest?”
“There’s more?” I asked.
“Oh, yes, much more!” said.
I suddenly realized that Richard Mahoney, a friend of more than 30 years had been testing me. He had given me a tiny bit of the story and wanted to see how I handled it before showing more.
“What’s there?” I asked. “Come and you’ll see!” he said.
On my second visit to Delta Women’s Clinic on Colonial Drive, I was shocked! The things I saw on the second visit and over the past several weeks have been deeply disturbing. When I was in the Louisiana House of Representatives, I served for several years as Chairman of the Joint Committee on Oversight over the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals. However, nothing in that capacity prepared me for what we found at Delta Women’s Clinic.
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