Delta Women’s Clinic Facilitated Rape Of Minors for Decades in Baton Rouge
By Woody Jenkins, Editor
Louisiana law requires that every health care provider who has reason to believe a child has been subjected to physical or sexual abuse must report that fact to the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services.
Health care providers are “mandatory reporters” under the law.
When a child becomes pregnant, there is a strong chance that the child has been the victim of a crime. If the child was violently raped, it is always a crime. If the sexual act was supposedly consensual, whether a crime was commited depends on the age of the victim and age of the perpetrator.
Physicians and other health care providers are on the front-lines for reporting rape and sexual assault of minors. Because almost 100 percent of an abortion clinic’s clients are pregnant, any minor who shows up there is very likely a victim of rape or carnal knowledge of a juvenile.
So how did Delta Women’s Clinic at 756 Colonial Drive in Baton Rouge treat minors who arrived at their facility pregnant — perhaps brought there by the very person responsible?
We now know!
When the owners of Delta Women’s Clinic sold the property in May 2023 to local pro-lifers, the abortionists left tens of thousands of records.
Among those records were reports by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, which have been reviewed by the Central City News. The review shows Delta was charged with and admitted to a wide range of very serious violations of law that endangered minors.
The Central City News has reviewed a large number of citations from three specific years. Every time the abortion clinic was cited, Delta responded, usually admitting wrong doing and promising to improve in the future.
Here are some of the things we found with respect to minors who became pregnant and went to the clinic for an abortion.
•In February 2011, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals cited Delta, which was a mandatory reporter, for failing to report minors who had been the victims of rape, incest, and carnal knowledge of a juvenile. The clinic admitted the charge was true and that their actions may have caused physical and psychological harm to the minors.
• Delta was cited for failure to record the age of the father on numerous occasions, thereby failing to determine whether on the face of the form a rape had occurred. As a result, these crimes were never reported to law enforcement. On learning this, DHH took forms where Delta had left the age blank and investigated the age of the father. In many cases, the father were over 18. Still, nothing was done!
•The form requires that the minor be asked whether the intercourse was forced or voluntary. But minors who came to Delta often were not asked.
The federal Child Abuse Prevention Act requires that a child who has been raped or sexually abused must be interviewed in a neutral, legally sound manner by a qualified forensic interviewer in a safe environment or surrounding. But at Delta for many minors, that never happened!
•Children are often brought to abortion clinics to cover up molestation by relatives or friends of the family. Often the very person who brought them to the clinic is the perpetrator or part of the cover up. By failing to ask the required questions and failing to call the police, Delta was complicit in those cases.
•In many cases, the violation of state and federal law was even worse than failing to ask who the father was. DHH cited Delta for preprinting on the form “Unknown,” indicating that the father of the minor’s child was unknown, when in fact the clinic admitted, the clinic staff never asked the child who the father was.
•State law requires that before an abortion can be performed, the minor must submit a notarized statement from a parent giving permission. But in many cases, Delta did not have the consent form at all. In other cases, the form was signed but not notarized certifying to its authenticity as required by law.
•If there was no parental permission form, Delta had business cards on hand to give the girls to help them get a judicial bypass. The cards gave a number to call to get a lawyer who knew a judge who would cooperate in going around the parents.
•Delta admitted this practice, and even said, “Failure to obtain proper consent would deny parents of their legal rights. The minor may suffer physical, emotional, and psychological harm.”
•Other cases showed no documented evidence the minor’s mother had been given notice the child was seeking an abortion.
•In response to all of this, Delta promised DHH that they would begin notifying the police or sheriff’s office that the child appeared to be the victim of rape or carnal knowledge of a juvenile.
•However, despite their previous admissions and promises to do better, Delta was back at it again in 2014!
•In 2014, DHH cited Delta once again for repeated failure to record the age of the father and failure to report obvious cases of rape or carnal knowledge of a juvenile to the police or sheriff’s office.
The owners of Delta and the physicians there hid the rape and sexual abuse of minors, but nothing has been done to bring the rapists or Delta to justice.
Rape is often part of the abortion debate, but little has heretofore been known about the role abortion clinics play in failing to report rape and covering it up.
Reach Woody Jenkins at woodyjenkins2020@hotmail.com.
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