What Is ‘Pride Month’ Really About?

In Christian tradition, the seven deadly sins are Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, and Sloth.

A website called deadlysins.com says, “Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.”

“The sin from which all others arise!” 

It seems amazing that the U.S. would celebrate “Pride Month.” 

The founding of the United States was in a very real sense a revolution against pride.  The “proud” aristocrats of Great Britain were in stark contrast to the humble farmers of these United States.  The royalty thought themselves our betters. They were so prideful of their royal status and intent on keeping us in our rightful place as “subjects” of the crown.

Pride cometh before a fall!” That is so true!  Honestly, there is nothing good about pride!

So why a Pride Month?

The venerable Library of Congress says it is actually “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans gender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month.”

But why should someone be honored with a month for their sexual preferences or abnormalities or mental illnesses?

Why is that a source of pride?

People in the United States are generally quite open minded and have a live-and-let-live attitude.

“Stay out of our bedroom!” we are told, but who wants to be in their bedroom? Nobody cares what adults do in their bedroom.

People who are so full of pride about their sexual deviances are everywhere today — in the media, at the State Capitol, and in boisterous demonstrations. They are far beyond the bedroom and are demanding far more than to be left alone.  

Rather, they are demanding special rights and special treatment, promoting the odd claim that their sexual preferences give them the right to force their agenda on the rest of the American population.

Perhaps the most egregious part of that agenda was confronted by the Louisiana Legislature two weeks ago. Both the House and Senate passed HB648, a bill prohibiting children from undergoing irreversible sex change operations and hormone blockers.  The legislation does not affect adults over 18.  

Some of the most powerful testimony in support of the bill came from young people in their 20’s who had surgery removing the male or female sex organs when they were teenagers.  They told of the horrible physical effects, the constant pain, the psychological trauma, and the great remorse they experience everyday at never being normal again.

We are told that this monstrous mutilation of children is such a kind and wonderful thing!  It is “gender-affirming care,” we are told.  Really?  A revealing moment in the legislative hearing came during a discussion of minors being given hormones of the opposite sex.  Legislators were told it was very appropriate and effective.

To that statement, one of the legislators asked, “Well, if that is so effective, why not simply give them hormones of their own sex?  Wouldn’t that be truly ‘gender-affirming’ and effective?”  The expert testifying against the bill stammered and stuttered but could not answer the question.

The reality is that “trans” surgery and treatment are now a growing multi-billion dollar industry.

It is a racket preying on youth who are largely either autistic, mentally ill, or seeking to find a peer group they can somehow fit into.  The racket also preys on weak parents who are unable to stand against incessant pressure from their confused children and off-the-rail medical professionals.

Unfortunately for them, the science is that there are only two sexes — male and female.  No one can change his or her sex.  Surgeons can mutilate a person but they will still be the same sex they were born to.  It’s in our DNA!

Part of the billion dollar pharmaceutical and medical racket is to tell confused parents that the only alternative for their child is suicide!  If a teenage girl wants to become a “trans boy,” the parent is told by the “professional” that the child is a prime candidate for suicide and then they are hit with the Hobson’s choice: “Would you rather have a live boy or a dead girl?”

What a preposterous and evil statement!

No, the answer is to help the child understand that God doesn’t make mistakes and that if they don’t feel right in their body right now, give it time, because as you mature, things will feel right.

The Louisiana Legislature did good work on this legislation, House Bill 648 by Rep. Gabe Firment.  The House and Senate committee meetings were packed and everyone had his say.  In the end, the vote was overwhelming.  The House voted 71 to 24 for the bill, and the Senate passed it 29 to 10.

Now Gov. John Bel Edwards plans to veto the bill!  Like Joe Biden, he takes pride in mutilating these very confused young people and sentencing them to a lifetime of pain and depression.

We pray the legislature will hold a veto session to override Edwards’ irresponsible and evil veto.  Please contact your legislators and ask them to support a veto session.

Pride Month?  No thank you! Pride is a cardinal sin!  

Humility Month? Now that’s a month we could support!

Reach Woody Jenkins at woody-jenkins2020@hotmail.com.

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