National Conservative Caucus Reestablished In Louisiana, Chooses Statewide Leadership

The newly-revitalized National Conservative Caucus is organizing leadership teams in every Congressional district in the nation.

National chairman Peter Thomas has appointed former Rep. Woody Jenkins to be State Chairman of The Conservative Caucus in Louisiana.  Jenkins is editor of the Central City News and chairman of the Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish.  He is the author of the Declaration of Rights of the Louisiana Constitution and served in the Louisiana House of Representatives for 28 years.  He served as State Chairman for Donald Trump in 2016 and as At-Large Member of the Electoral College for President Trump in 2020.

The organization has named a chairman for each of Louisiana’s six Congressional districts.  They are:

•1st District – Jeff Crouere, radio talk show host and columnist

•2nd District – Claston Bernard, U.S. National Champion in Decathlon at LSU and member of Jamaican Olympic team

•3rd District – Rep. Phillip Tarver (R-Lake Charles) owns Lake Charles Toyota. He is a former member of the Calcasieu Parish School Board, the La. Motor Vehicles Commission, and chairman of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

•4th District – Rep. Chuck Owen (R-Leesville), PhD, LSU, retired USAF officer, and former defense consultant.

•5th District – Rep. Gabe Firment (R-Pollock) MBA, La Tech, Insurance consultant.

•6th District – Rep. Beryl Amedee (R-Houma), former homeschool mom and business owner, former State Vice Chairman, Republican Party of Louisiana.

The National Conservative Caucus was founded in 1974 by Howard Phillips and the organization established Conservative Caucuses in nearly 300 Congressional districts throughout the country. The purpose was to bring together the conservative leaders in each district to achieve the principles championed by the conservative movement. Howard Phillips passed away in 2014 and the organization languished. Now the Conservative Caucus is being revitalized at the national and state levels in order to achieve its original purposes.  Here in Louisiana, the goals are:

Establish Ronald Reagan Newsmaker Luncheons. 

The first Ronald Reagan Newsmaker Luncheon began 10 years ago in Baton Rouge. It has been a tremendous success. The group plans to establish a similar luncheon in the New Orleans and Shreveport markets. It will promote the idea of holding Ronald Reagan Newsmaker Luncheons in other markets where there is leadership and the potential for success.

Conservative Legislative Program for the regular session of the Louisiana Legislature. The Conservative Caucus will identify and support key conservative bills in the upcoming legislative session. It will have a Facebook page and other social media to publicize its activities.

Rating of Louisiana Legislature — The Conservative Caucus will adopt a rating of the voting records of the House and Senate this year, which will be released this summer.  The Executive Committee, which does not include legislators, will make the decision on what bills to rate.

The reorganized Conservative Caucus stands for:

•Patriotism, American Exceptionalism, and putting America first.

•The Constitution and the Bill of Rights especially Freedom of Speech and Religion, the Right to Self Defense, and Freedom from Mass Surveillance

•The Family, Parental Rights, and Localism

•Traditional Values and opposition to Wokeness

•The Right to Life

•Peace through Strength

•Free Enterprise and opposition to Socialism

•Lower Taxes, a Balanced Budget, and Less Regulation

•Term Limits for Congress

•Fighting illegal immigration

•The Rule of Law

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