Mikayla Marie  Kleinpeter

Mikayla Marie Kleinpeter

Robbie and Dena Kleinpeter of Central are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Mikayla Marie.  Mikayla was born Oct. 20, 2010, at 1:21 a.m. at Woman’s Hospital.  She weighed six pounds, 10.9 ounces, and was 21.25 inches long.

Proud grandparents are Ronnie and Donna Davis of Central, Tracy Kleinpeter of Watson, and Crystal Kleinpeter of Ethel.  Proud great-grandparents are Euna Bennet of Central,  Harold and Bennie Davis of Baker, Robert and Lynette Kleinpeter of Ethel, and Hazle Hatfield of Missouri.  Great great-grandparents are Oma Davis of Baker and Nolan and Margaret LeBlanc of Port Allen.


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