Otis’s Famous Loop Dedicated in Biltmore

 Otis “Dude” Forbes is known by residents of Biltmore Subdivision for cycling around the neighborhood. Forbes rides 30 to 50 miles everyday and once a month he rides 100 miles in a one day. It’s estimated that Otis has biked 20,000 miles around the city block in Biltmore. 

Residents of the subdivision, along with friends and fellow bikers showed up recently to recognize Dude’s commitment to cycling.

There were T-shirts and towels made by friends to mark the occasion.

Otis is a member of the  City of Central Cyclists and Team Beehive Louisiana. He enjoys cycling for good causes whenever he can. Last month Forbes traveled to Colorado and rode for “Peddling For Parkinson’s”. 

Otis hopes in the future Central could become a bike friendly city that is safe for cyclers. While talking at the unveiling everyone remembered Baton Rouge Metro Councilman Buddy Amoroso, whose life was cut short while cycling.

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