Bodi Proposes Central Leave BREC

Sen. Bodi White (R-Central) has introduced legislation to allow the City of Central to have its own recreation and parks system. Taxes currently collected by BREC, the Baton Rouge Recreation and Parks Commission, would go to the new park system for use exclusively in Central.  According to BREC, Central taxpayers currently pay BREC $2.5 million a year in taxes.

Sen. White’s bill, SB 205, has been referred to the Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs. The purpose of the Central Recreation District would be: “planning, developing, and operating public park and recreational properties and facilities in the district and administering programs and activities that promote recreation and the general health and well-being of citizens.” The Board of Commissioners would consist of five members:

•One appointed by the State Senate representing a majority of the City of Central

•One appointed by the State Representative representing a majority of the City of Central

•Two members appointed by the Central City Council

•One member appointed by the Central Community School Board

Mayor David Barrow has expressed concern about the legislation. He said the new superintendent of BREC has been doing a good job and is better serving the needs of the community.  The bill has not yet been set for hearing before the Senate Committee.

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