Livingston Says Enough!

 Members of the Livingston Parish Council have unanimously petitioned Gov. John Bel Edwards to lift the restrictions being imposed by him on businesses in the parish.  In the petition, the councilmen said they did not object to social distancing or the use of protective equipment where businesses chose to require them.

However, the Council said in a two-page letter that businesses must be allowed to fully open and do business within their normal business hours.

The petition said the governor’s mandates are creating epic hardships and adversity for business owners, property owners, religious leaders, and residents generally.  The Council said Gov. John Bel Edwards’ restrictions are “crippling our economy and paralyzing our businesses.”

Meanwhile, Central Mayor David Barrow said he has no current plans to ask Gov. Edwards to remove the City of Central from his mandates. The mayor expressed concerns with some of the mandates such as no live music in bars. However, it said it would be difficult for Central to go it alone.  He said he wants to wait to see what action is taken by the legislature during the current session and whether it ends the shutdown or affects the governor’s authority.

He would want to talk to other mayors in the area to get their take on the situation, he said.

Sentiments in Livingston against the shutdown and masks seemed apparent at the memorial service for Remy Hidalgo in Yellow Jacket Stadium. Of more than 1,200 people, only about 20 wore masks.

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