Central Students Could Have Some Sense Of Normalcy Under Back-to-School Plan

The Central Community School Board received recommendations from Supt. Jason Fountain Wednesday night, July 8 on the re-opening of school and voiced no major objections, although a formal vote was not taken.

Dr. Fountain emphasized that it is still a plan and is subject to change.

However, the superintendent said the school system intends to have school this year, including football and a full range of sports and normal school activities.

Under the plan, school will open on August 6, 2020.


All students will participate in Distance Learning unless otherwise notified. The state is currently in Phase 2.  However, if the state moves back to Phase 1, more detailed information will be provided.


While the state is in Phase 2, Central will operate as follows:

•Students in Pre-K through grade 6 will follow a traditional, full-day schedule.

•These students will be present in school buildings five days a week.

  • Students in grades 7-12 will follow a hybrid schedule consisting of both on-campus learning and Distance Learning.

•Students will be split into two groups and physically attend school two days per week.

•Group A will be on campus Monday and Tuesday. Group B will be on campus Thursday and Friday.

•All students will participate in required Distance Learning activities on days they are not physically present at school.

•More details will be released regarding the hybrid schedule soon.


•Students in grades 7 and 8 will move to a traditional schedule on campus. All other aspects of Phase 3 are the same as Phase 2.

Virtual Program Options

•Full virtual options are available for children in Kindergarten through grade 12. For more information, go to: https://virtualacademy.centralcss.org.

  Important information regarding Virtual options:

•A high-quality curriculum will be utilized.

•Students will be provided a laptop for use in the Virtual Program.

•Students must have access to a reliable internet connection in their home.

•Students must commit to the Virtual Program for a complete semester.

Preparing for a Safe Start

Dr. Fountain said the Central school system will have protocols in place to address preventive measures indicated by the Department of Health.

•Students and staff members’ temperature will be checked daily.

Social distancing protocols will be in place to the greatest extent possible.

•Hand washing protocols will be followed.

•Face coverings for students in grades 3-12 are strongly recommended to the greatest extent possible.

In response to a question at the hearing regarding whether there will be safeguards to protect students who do not wear face masks from being bullied and intimidated, Dr. Fountain said bullying will not be allowed.

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