Crowded Ballot This November Argues for Delaying St. George Vote Until April

The leaders of the movement to create the new City of St. George have an important decision to make: Whether to place the referendum on the ballot this November or December or perhaps wait until next April.

We urge them to wait until the spring.

The November ballot will be one of the most crowded in many years.

Control of the United States Senate may hinge on the outcome of the Senate race in Louisiana.  Many millions of dollars will be spent to reelect Mary Landrieu or replace her with a Republican.  The volume of television, cable, radio, and Internet advertising on this race is likely to suck all the oxygen out of the room for everything else.

Yet, there will be much more on the ballot competing for attention.  Here in East Baton Rouge Parish, we will have a very active campaign for U.S. Congress, which has already drawn 10 candidates to the race.  They will be campaigning in every neighborhood.

And there is even more.  Every state district judge, family court judge, and juvenile judge is up for reelection, and many will have challengers.

Finally, there is the election for the school board in East Baton Rouge Parish, Central, and most of the surrounding parishes.

The question of whether to incorporate the City of St. George deserves careful attention from the voters.  That would probably be impossible this November or even during the runoff campaigns, which may be even more heated, in December.

Whether a person is for or against St. George and especially if he still has an open mind on the topic, setting aside a special election to consider the question makes far more sense than the alternative.


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