President to Sign Federal Flood Insurance Legislation

President to Sign Federal Flood Insurance Legislation

Councilman Wayne Messina said Wednesday the Central City Council made a wise decision to delay spending $115,000 on a flood insurance study at last week’s meeting. Councilman Aaron Moak, who proposed the spending, said it was urgently needed.

But Councilmen Messina, Tony LoBue, and Ralph Washington voted 3-1 to delay the spending, pending the passage of federal flood insurance legislation. Mayoral candidate Dave Freneaux blasted the three Councilmen and said it was uncertain whether or when federal flood insurance legislation would pass. However, that same day the United States Senate passed the bill and sent it to the President’s desk.  President Obama has announced he will sign the bill. Since the federal legislation will slash flood insurance rates, Messina said the Council can now take a little more time to determine what action needs to be taken on the study.

The Councilman provided a timeline on the flood insurance study proposal:

• March 5, 2014 — U.S. House passed legislation repealing the Biggert Waters Act

• March 11, 2014 — Councilman Moak presented an ordinance to appropriate an additional $115,000 for flood plain studies.  The Council voted to delay the matter for 90 days, in order to await federal legislation.

• March 13, 2014 — Freneaux blasted Messina, LoBue, and Washington, saying it is doubtful the Senate would pass the bill.

• March 13, 2014 — The Senate passed the bill and sent it to President Obama.

• March 15, 2014 — The White House announced the President will sign the legislation.


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