NFL Player Inspires Central Private

Former Tara High and Texas Tech star Brian Duncan spoke on faith to Central Private School students and faculty attending the school’s January devotion.
Duncan, who played for the Buffalo Bills in the NFL and later in the Canadian Football League was coached at Tara by David Prescott, now head of Central Private School.
Right after his appearance at Central Private, Duncan received one of the highest honors given by the Louisiana High School Athletic Association — the Golden Torch Award presented annually to an athlete for his accomplishments after athletics.
Each month at Central Private, 6th through 12th grade students participate in a devotion usually led by pastors and sometimes students.
Today, as a successful business man, husband, and father of four children, Duncan uses his experiences to speak to students and groups around the region. During his devotional, he spoke to the students about standing up for their faith and other people.
“In today’s world that can be a really tough thing to do,” he said. Students should look for ways to serve others, he said. “If someone can’t walk, we should walk for them, and walk proud. If someone can’t speak, we should speak for them.”
He spoke about his own experiences as a student and athlete involved in many different sports and activities. In high school, Duncan was MVP on the football team and participated in basketball, wrestling, track, ROTC, band, and choir. He was also president of the senior class. Duncan told the students not to limit themselves or let anyone tell them that they cannot achieve their dreams.
During the event, students were pulled onto the floor to interact with each other and Duncan in order to build a sense of community. Mr. Prescott said everyone enjoyed being motivated and inspired by Duncan. Many of the students said it was the best devotional yet.

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