A Glossary of Terms at Istrouma High During the 1960’s

To better communicate with Istrouma High grads from the 1960’s, it is important to study this Glossary of Terms:

Baton Rouge High Week — The week of the Baton Rouge High game.  Nothing mattered that week except beating Baton Rouge High. Band members took the drums to top of the cafeteria and beat them 24/7 from Monday morning until game time on Friday.  The beating could be heard throughout North Baton Rouge.

Big Fuzz or The Big Un — Istrouma head football coach James “Big Fuzzy” Brown.

Boots — Coach Boots Garland.

Bulldog — The Baton Rouge High mascot Istrouma students stole every couple of years.

Bull Pen — The oak tree outside the entrance to the cafeteria where it was permissible to smoke. There were occasionally fights in that area. A little fighting there was tolerated, but if you fought anywhere else, you would be in big trouble.  It was a fight-free campus except for the bull pen.

Cannon — LSU’s only Heisman Trophy winner in 1959.  He was All State at Istrouma. His 1955 team was considered the best ever.

Greasers — A pejorative not recognized at Istrouma.

Hopper’s — The favorite drive-in for hamburgers and shakes.

Little Fuzz — The principal of the school, Ellis A. “Little Fuzz” Brown.

Memorial Stadium — Where Istrouma’s home games were held.  Attendance averaged about 14,000. They sold season tickets.

Moose — Coach Moose Stewart, an ex-Marine, a giant of a man in every way.

Mr. Clifford — Clifford Ourso, the president of American Bank, who could always be counted upon to raise money for the school. Nawaganti — Legendary Indian chief of the Istrouma Indians. The school year would always begin with an impressive presentation of the Legend of Nawaganti in the school auditorium by WLCS announcer Gene Nelson.

Student Store — School supplies and snacks were sold there.

Uncle Spence — The speech teacher, Spence McClain.

WLCS — The radio station everyone listened to.  Secondary station: WAIL.

Winbourne — The street in front of the school.

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