The Silent Revolution in Black

The Silent Revolution in Black

The most powerful political changes generally come from the bottom up.  While most of the political establishment has been asleep, including the media, the Louisiana electorate has been changing, as more than 700,000 have shunned the Republicans and Democrats and registered to vote as Independents, No Party or Other.  Today, there are almost as many Independents as Republicans in Louisiana.

You may be surprised to learn that one group of elected officials has recognized the sea change that is going on and taken full advantage of it.  This most unlikely group is in some ways the least political of all elected officials — the judiciary!

Today 34 sitting judges and district attorneys in Louisiana have switched from Democrat or Republican to Independent or No Party.

They include one member of the Louisiana Supreme Court, two members of the Court of Appeal, 25 District Judges, and six District Attorneys.  This does not include a large number of city court judges, justices of the peace and constables.

No sitting judge we asked was willing to talk about his party affiliation on the record, but several did submit to interviews off the record.

Here are some of their comments:

•“I’ve never been an advocate of parties and as a judge my role should be non-political. So being No Party fits my philosphy perfectly.”

•“I’ve been a Democrat most of my life, but the party has left me.  I’d probably be more comfortable as a Republican but in my district that would be too big a step.  So now I’m a proud Independent!”

•“Most people I know hate the Democrats and most of them also hate the Republicans, and I do too.  But ‘Independent’ is a good brand, and I’m happy with it.”

•“My district is polarized between black Democrats and white Republicans, and all of them seem to be happy I’m not aligned.”

Only two Independents serve in the Louisiana Legislature but scores serve as Mayors, Councilmen, School Board members, justice of the peace, and constables.

Is a revolution brewing?

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